Where Grief Meets Joy...

Hey Reader!

The last time you heard from me I was hosting my free "Breaking the Myths of Worklife Balance" webinar on March 16th (which was AMAZING and special thanks to those of you who joined). However, behind the scenes, my heart was completely shattered...my father passed away that same morning.

Many of you who follow my social media pages know I have been my fathers guardian for several years now and after an unexpected extended stay in an awful nursing home in 2020, I vowed to create a life for him where he can live as independently as possible. I was able to set up what I called “supervised independent living” in a studio apartment I acquired for him with a surveillance camera installed (that he sometimes unplugged when he got mad with me and my sister 😂) along with establishing wrap around services including daily nursing visits and home health. I even purchased him an iPhone specifically for the purpose of being able to track his location when he decided to SNEAK out and catch a cab or the bus to his favorite juke joint, barbershop or Walmart on his own.

I share this because I know there are many of you who may be taking care of an elderly loved one or may have to in the future and I want you to know that it’s not easy and it does take a community but it’s not impossible to let someone age authentically and gracefully on their own terms and it was an honor and privilege to be able to do so. I hope this helps someone 🫶🏽.

During the past month, as I reflected on his life and his accomplishments from his career, it brought back so many beautiful memories from my childhood including the many days I spent with him at the local Urban League and being with him at his table set ups with resources for those struggling with addiction and other basic needs in our local community. People often ask why I joined the helping profession. I always answer, "my parents", they are super dope and beautiful examples of what it means to be a servant of humanity.

As I get back into the groove, knowing that I have an amazing guardian angel guiding me along the way brings me comfort and has me super pumped for the next steps in my personal and professional journey. I appreciate you all being apart of this community!

Today is the start of Mental Health Awareness Month which was established to raise awareness on mental health issues experienced by people of all backgrounds around the world. Mental Health is Health, and our mental well-being is an ongoing factor that we should consider when navigating our daily grind.

Self-care is not selfish. When we are well, our ecosystem benefits from it as well. With just a few moments a day of mindful practices in our lives we can shift the trajectory of all that is happening in our lives in a positive direction.

This month The Mindful Vibe Wellness will be facilitating a 30-day "Mindful Habits" Challenge! Starting tomorrow 5/2 through 5/31, we will share a new mindful habit of the day that you are encouraged implement into your daily routine.

I invite you to join me on Facebook or Instagram to be apart of the movement. Feel free to tag a friend!

Until next time, take care friend,


The Mindful Vibe Wellness Community Newsletter

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